
How well do your rent roll fees compare against other agencies in your local area?'ll know with an IGT Fee Health Check

[Watch the Video] Here's what the collected rent roll fee data looks like when you order your IGT Fee Health Check

See what postcodes in AU and NZ we already have rent roll fee data in,

We’ve secret-shopped well over a THOUSAND rent roll agencies across Australia and New Zealand,

...and now you can access the fee data with how your fees compare in your region and local area against other local agents (see the postcode list of what's available).

With an IGT Health Check you'll know:

✅  How your rent roll fees compare in your market area (all fees)!

You'll also know what fees other agents are charging right now that you may be missing out on, so you can make adjustments right away.

✅  What agents in your area are promoting to stand-out from other agents as their point of difference. 

We will even give you the TEN most effective points of difference that impresses prospects the most, so you can get ahead of your rivals immediately!

✅  Find out from us what fees you could easily increase and add to boost your fee revenue right away by $500 or more per property/year (based on what we know has been done already in your region) without slowing down your sign-up rates or scaring off your valued prospects to cheaper agents down the road!

How does it work?

Simply tell us the postcodes/regions you want to know (see the postcode listed), and we'll reveal the fees charged (up to TEN agencies) so you can get a good idea of what your agency market is charging, and where you sit in comparison!

​IMPORTANT: We're unable to reveal or identify any agency names. We can only provide fee data and stated points of difference from the postcodes/regions that you provide (up to TEN agencies).

See what postcodes in AU and NZ we already have rent roll fee data for


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